Tarot/Oracle Card Readings

Tarot and Oracle Card Reading is an ancient form of divination to bring messages of guidance and clarity from Spirit to our personal Lives in the present moment. This practice is used to uncover what we may not see about a situation because we are too close to it and ‘caught up’ in the challenge/s. Card Readings Deliver Validations, Clarifications and Guidance on how to navigate through whatever your Life’s Journey is teaching you.


10-15 minutes - drop in

1/2 hour Reading $45

30 minutes - by appointment

1 hour Reading $90

60 minutes - by appointment

Crystal Energy Work

Crystal energy work uses the powerful vibrational resonance of crystals to harmonize our own energy field, creating more peace, joy and freedom in our lives.

Each session is unique and caters to the needs of the client. Crystals can be placed on or around the body or held depending on the preference of the client. Sessions may include sound healing; drumming, singing bowls, etc, as well as cleansing with sage, mantra, meditation and breath work.

My aim is to give individuals the tools for self healing, as that is where true healing resides. Connection to ourselves is so important and crystal can be great tools for remembering who we are and why were are here.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

~Nicola Tesla

1/2 hour Energy Work $45

30 minutes - by appointment

1 hour Energy work $90

60 minutes - by appointment

Other sessions available

Deep Dive


Exploration + Stonework - 1.5 hours

Our reality is a mirror of your inner world, when we perceive problems or obstacles in our reality we can go within to find the cause. Through diving into what we wish to change and taking ownership of our creation we can heal our outward reality in beautiful ways.

Includes Stonework Session.

Crystal Awakening


Personalized coaching to awaken the Divinity within.

We are all here to shine our unique Divine light. Yet it can often be hidden beneath past traumas, programs or external expectations which causes disconnection from our true Divine self.

Reclaim your energetic sovereignty and start uncovering your true light!

Crystal Journey - Private Sessions $240

4 Weekly Sessions

In this journey into crystals and healing we will be going deep into how to work with crystals to benefit our lives.

This journey not only takes us into the inner workings of crystals and the universe around us but also takes us into our own self awareness and perceptions. Here we can learn how to heal past traumas, release old patterns and emotional wounds and live in alignment. By reconnecting with ourselves we can ignite our inner light so we may help others do the same.

You will receive a crystal pack and journal to aid you in your journey of self discovery.